Running the Little Silver 5k has become a tradition for many and an aspiration for others. Whatever your running background, always remember to train smart. Conditioning for your runs, whether the LS5K or the NYC marathon, is very important for the longevity of your running life.
Injury prevention should be a multifaceted plan. Conditioning and strengthening your body is equally as important as running form and the shoes you wear. We will be focusing on conditioning and strengthening. Strong muscles, tendons, and ligaments will result in a more constant gait and safeguard against impact. Working with a personal trainer towards a specific goal is a great way to achieve results in a safe way. In addition to working with a specialist, there are many exercises that can be done at help strengthen the muscles needed for runners. The following are a few key movements that can be incorporated in your training routine. Stability ball bridge: 1. Lie on your back on the ground with arms extended to your sides and calves on a stability ball. 2. Lift hips and tighten glutes so that you create a straight line from your knees to shoulders. 3. Simultaneously roll the ball under your feet and raise your hips to maintain the straight line. Stability ball walkout: 1. Lie face down with your stomach on the ball and palms on the floor in a pushup position. 2. While maintaining a contracted core and glutes slowly walk forward with your hands until shins/instep are resting on the ball. 3. Hold for 30 seconds and walk back to starting position. 4. Repeat and continue building on time and reps until able to hold multiple walkouts for 60 seconds each. Eccentric heel drop: 1. Stand on a low platform or curb with heels hanging over the edge. 2. Raise up as high as possible on your toes and slowly lower until heels are lower then the curb. 3. Repeat until fatigue sets in. Continue increasing the number of reps each time. Clam shell: 1. Lie on your side with legs stacked one on top of the other. Bend knees while keeping legs and feet stacked. 2. Open and close knees like a clam while keeping feet together. 3. If possible use an exercise band around your thighs. In addition to strength training, Plyometric and mobility conditioning are excellent ways to improve form and reduce impact. Plyometrics (jumping exercises) help increase elasticity in your muscles. This will help you maintain a smooth bounce feeling in your run and reduce impact. Stationary jumps and lateral jumps are two examples of plyometrics that can be easily implemented. Mobility movements will increase muscle function by breaking down adhesions that would normally increase the risk of injury. A couple of ways to achieve this is through using a foam roller and regular massage and yes you can massage your own feet. Planning your strength program is a very personal thing. Having your goal in mind always take in consideration your strengths and weaknesses as well as limitations from injuries, no matter how old they may be. Most importantly have fun! Rob Lantos Fresh Personal Training [email protected] 82 Oceanport ave. Little Silver, NJ 07739 732-933-3822 Comments are closed.